Central Falls School District - Central Falls, Rhode Island - Public School District

Phone - 401-727-7700
Central Falls School District School District

Public Schools in This District

Central Falls School District Reviews

From: David Mallgrave | submitted: Feb 24, 2010
Good job school board. A true professional does look at the clock. A teacher knows what they are getting into before they become teachers. Show me one other job that gets two weeks off at Christmas plus all the other days they vote on to be off. They are suppose to be leaders not what are you going to do for me. If you are really good in any job or profession, you do what it takes to be successful. Dr. David Mallgrave DPT

Central Falls School District School District Data
County of Location: Providence
Number of Schools in This District: 8
Student/Teacher ratio:
Total Students Pre Kindergarten - 12 Grade: 3,734
Total Males: 1,864
Total Females: 1,767
American Indian Students: 5
Asian/Pacific Islanders : 10
African Americans: 412
Hispanic: 2,468
White: 736
Total Staff:
Fulltime Teachers: 265
Ungraded Teachers:
Pre Kindergarten Teachers:
Kindergarten Teachers:
Elementary Teachers:
Secondary Teachers:
Elementary Guidance Counselors:
Secondary Guidance Counselors:
Total Guidance Counselors:
LEA Administrators:
School Administrators:
LEA Admin Support Staff:
School Admin Support Staff:
Student Support Services Staff:
Other Support Staff:
Library Media Support Staff:
Librarians Media Specialists:
Instructional Aides - Total:
Instructional Coordinators: